Indo-Pacific Space and Earth Conference

The Indo-Pacific Space and Earth Conference is an inaugural conference that was held at the Pan Pacific Hotel, Perth, Western Australia in October 2023. Bringing together over 90 speakers nationally and internationally, the mission is to explore the limitless potential of space technologies and their profound impact on our industries, here on Earth. By fostering collaboration and trade and commercial opportunities amongst industry leaders, scientists, and visionaries, the conference aims to shape the future of these industries, bringing together the future technologies of space and earth and paving the way for transformative developments. Perth Branding & Marketing created all of the branding and marketing materials for the conference, including the logo, website, promotional materials including adverts, social media, posters, program and digital marketing, plus the signage and screen presentations used at the conference.


Norrish Earthmoving Repairs

Norrish Earthmoving Repairs

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Indo-Pacific Space and Earth Conference

Indo-Pacific Space and Earth Conference

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